Silicon Valley Chinese Association Endorses Travis Allen for California Governor

Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA), an organization with strong grassroots membership in the Chinese American community in Northern California, today announced that the organization has endorsed State Assemblyman Travis Allen in his efforts to run for California Governor.

In the heated primary election for the California governor seat, Allen emerged as the one that we believe is best suited to lead California to restore its fiscal viability, law and order, and equal opportunity for all racial groups. His values align best with the core interests of Californians.

Catharine Baker 2018竞选连任第一个筹款会纪实

AD16区众议员Catharine Baker 2018年竞选连任活动已拉开帷幕。一晃她的两届任期即将结束,这次连任竞选虽然有不少优势,但鉴于两位对手均有民主党和工会的无限大钱包撑腰,咱们仍然不能掉以轻心。

Baker今年第一个Fundraiser昨晚在Blackhawk Museum举行。来自各界的朋友济济一堂,SVCA是host之一。席间我们还与特邀嘉宾San Diego市长Kevin Faulconer难得见面和交谈。Kevin是共和党人,却在西裔占人口比例高、且共和党注册选民仅占24%的San Diego市高票当选,实属不易。Kevin和Catharine介绍了他们与民主党求同存异,为群众谋福利,从最实际的行动做起。他们让选民意识到他们作为候选人和官员说的和做的符合群众的切身利益,让纳税人的钱用在实处,要让就业、教育、交通、路况、社会治安等事业不仅停止滑坡,而且打个大U turn,扭转乾坤。

Silicon Valley Chinese Association Endorses Bob Huff for Congress

Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA), an organization with strong grassroots membership in the Chinese American community in Northern California, is pleased to announce that we have endorsed former State Senator Bob Huff in his efforts to succeed Rep. Ed Royce’ congressional seat representing District 39.

加州大选, 硅谷华人协会正式背书下列候选人


Catharine Baker:    State Assembly District 16

Jennifer Strohfus:  Milpitas City Council

Jenny Yuan:            Fremont Union High School District Board of Trustees

Tony Qin:                 Evergreen Elementary School District Board of Trustees

Rita Cao:                 Saratoga Union School District Board of Trustees

Phil Reynolds:        Campbell City Concil

SVCA Letter to Governor Brown on AB1726

Honorable Governor Brown:

Despite the strong opposition from many Asian American organizations, California legislature passed AB1726 (Bonta) this month. AB1726, in essence, is a duplicate of AB176 (Bonta) that you vetoed last year. We applaud your previous decision and we urge that you take the same action this time again.

加州初选, 硅谷华人协会正式背书下列候选人


Catharine Baker:      California 16th Assembly

Peter Ohtaki:            California 24th Assembly

Van Le:                     California 27th Assembly

Steve Brown:           San Jose City Council

Devora ‘Dev’ Davis: San Jose City Council

Johnny Khamis:       San Jose City Council

相聚今宵,2016/05/20 AD16众议员Catharine Baker南湾筹款会

2014,湾区(尤其三谷)华人齐心协力帮助Catharine Baker成功上位。(历史重温:



5/20,SVCA携手Catharine Baker,在南湾著名的状元楼办筹款/见面会。

