Poll Shows Baker Takes Lead in 16th Assembly District

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 15, 2014
CONTACT: Justin Matheson, 800-916-1770 ext. 8

Poll Shows Baker Takes Lead in 16th Assembly District

(Pleasanton, CA) – Recently released polling shows a major development in the race for the 16th Assembly District. Democratic pollsters Penn Schoen and Berland surveyed 500 likely voters, on behalf of JobsPAC, showing Republican Catharine Baker starting the race in a dead heat with 42 percent of the vote to union backed Tim Sbranti’s 43 percent. But after testing the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate, she jumps to a commanding lead 53-32% on the informed ballot.

In recent weeks there has been a flurry of Democrat establishment activity and special interest donations to Sbranti from outside of AD-16, including donations from Southern California Democratic legislators and a $100,000 transfer from the Democratic Party. This recent activity demonstrates a concern among party bosses in Sacramento over Sbranti’s chances to win the centrist East Bay Assembly District.

“Baker’s move among Independents was significant and resulted a net shift of 13% toward Baker,” said political analyst Joe Justin.

Justin Matheson, an advisor to Baker’s campaign, said, “Baker’s bipartisan supporters are extremely motivated, as demonstrated by over 120 plus volunteers showing up to canvass this past weekend. She is also receiving key endorsements from local leaders from both parties. We are talking directly to voters, and one thing is clear: voters are not happy about Sbranti’s support for the BART strike, nor his being beholden to Labor Unions on every other issue. They want independent leadership and they are responding to Catharine’s message of common sense and independence.”

To see the complete analysis of the survey, please [Click Here].
Catharine is a mother of school-age twins and an active parent leader in local schools, having served as Vice President of the Dougherty Elementary School Site Council and on several school improvement committees.

Catharine is also a volunteer leader in her community, previously serving on a local preschool board and volunteering with Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts in the region as an archery instructor. She also volunteers on the board of the Diablo Regional Arts Association in Walnut Creek, supporting arts and educational programs for families and schoolchildren throughout her community.

Catharine earned her B.A. degree from the University of Chicago, overcoming cancer her senior year to graduate Phi Beta Kappa and with honors. Catharine later went on to earn her J.D. degree from U.C. Berkeley School of Law, and helps small businesses and local charities get started and become successful.

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