--By Kai Zhu, SVCA
I called the office of an important GOP State Senator this morning. Among
other things, I was told about this new article:
The article was just published this morning, so it is clear that the Indian
community is actually more sophisticated than us - they had a very good PR
relationship with Sacramento.
I think we should be more aggressively reaching out to local Indian
organizations & communities. I am now re-posting my suggestions (need to
find it first). Unfortunately I don't have b/w to drive this effort.
I have seen a lot of talking, but very little action - shall we establish a
special Indian Liaison Team? Relying on word-of-mouse at workplaces is not
reliable/effective. We need to reach out directly to their influential
organizations. For that, we can ask the Indian colleagues around us for help.
May we take these steps:
1. Ask the Indian colleagues that you have pitched to so far for feedback.
If they are on board re SCA 5, go to step 2.
2. Ask what local Indian organizations that the colleagues think would be
effective on raising the awareness within their community.
3. Feed back the survey results here.
4. We form a team with 2-3 team members covering each of those promising
Indian organizations, reach out, and coordinate with them (since we have a
head start advantage, we can help provide information / education /
strategies for their use).