--Thank Kai Zhu and his legal team for this great job, SVCA
--Thank Sam Li for his quick job on video compiling, SVCA
QUOTA - UC Admissions Director Michael Trevino revealed the REAL motives
behind SCA 5
I obtained the video of the 7/3/2013 Senate Education Committee's hearing on
SCA 5, at which Senator Hernandez testified.
Senator Hernandez invited Michael Trevino, the Director of Undergraduate
Admissions at UC (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michael-trevino/8/4b1/226), to testify - purportedly to support Hernandez's own testimony. What Mr. Trevino actually revealed, however, was very disturbing.
Senator Hernandez stated that SCA 5 was not about a quota system, which
would be unconstitutional under Gratz v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 244 (2003), but
Mr. Trevino's testimony clearly showed that the UC had already tried to
implement a quota-like system, but could not do so exactly because of Prop.
209, and the real goal of SCA 5 is to make such implementation easier.
With the help of some great people, I added annotations to the YouTube clip.
Hernandez's key testimony is at 1:40 - 4:55, while Trevino's is at 20:38 -
Please help make this viral at YouTube and Facebook. Thank you.