Assemblywoman: Please Vote No On ACA5 On Behalf of Your Constituents

Assemblywoman: Please Vote No On ACA5 On Behalf of Your Constituents

【背景信息】2020年5月28日,北加州16区十几名选民与众议员Rebecca Bauer-Kahan见面,从多方面向她阐述ACA5对本区、对加州将会带来怎样的恶劣影响,恳请她投票反对这个提案。然而Bauer-Kahan最终也没有表态,从她竞选时的发言和她近两年的投票记录来看,她是坚决维护民主党的左派意识形态,支持种族倾斜政策的。下面是硅谷华人协会主席陆滢在会议上的发言。

This looks like a deja vu, only on a virtual platform. Six years ago, some of the same folks got together to oppose a very similar bill called SCA5. In fact our organization was born right then and there.


SCA5 woke up the politically apathetic Asian Americans. Since then, we have been actively involved in campaigning and changing the outcome of the legislation. We also passionately prop up candidates who are aligned with our position. I'll give you an example to show how passionate we are.


In the 2014 election cycle, we supported the candidate in this district who had been vocal about her opposition to race-based policies such as SCA5. During the primary election, 101 individual volunteers did a total of 1669 hours of work ranging from distributing flyers, walking the precinct, phone banking, organizing fundraisers, etc.For the general election, the numbers were even more astounding: 115 individuals, 3236.75 hours.

2014年的选举周期中,我们为本区的一位候选人助选。这位候选人一直公开反对SCA5和一切以种族为基础的政策。在初选期间,共有101名志愿者完成了1669小时的助选活动,发传单,挨家挨户敲门拜票,给选民打电话,组织筹款活动等。 大选期间的数字更是惊人:115人,3236.75小时。

Fast forward six years, we are now hit again with ACA5. This time Asians are more savvy and more connected. Just look at the online petition. The signatures are approaching 31,000. People up and down the state are making phone calls and sending emails to legislators. I'm sure Assemblywoman Bauer-Kahan's office has received quite a lot.

六年后,我们再次被ACA5激怒。这一次,亚裔美国人更加有经验,联系更加紧密。 只要看看网上请愿书的规模就可见一斑,签名高达35,000。加州从南到北的群众都在打电话,向议员发送邮件。 肯定议员鲍尔·卡汉(Bauer-Kahan)的办公室最近也收到了很多电话和邮件。

Needless to say, we take ACA5 seriously. For Asians, it's more than a repeal of Prop 209. It's a precursor to the Chinese Exclusion Act, or the Asian Exclusion Act. During COVID-19, we already see a surge of harassment, verbal abuse and physical assault toward Asians. As our elected official, surely you don't want to see such hatred and discrimination being legitimatized and institutionalized. Sadly, this is exactly what ACA5 will do. You can stop it for us.

不庸质疑,我们非常重视ACA5。对于亚裔美国人来说,它不仅仅企图废除209号提案,而且是新的《排华法案》或《排亚裔法案》的前身。 在COVID-19期间,针对亚裔的骚扰、语言侵犯、暴力事件激增,作为本区民选官员,您一定不希望看到这种仇恨和歧视合法化、制度化吧!可悲的是,这正是ACA5将导致的结果。您可以阻止这样的事情发生!

ACA5 will stoke racial tension. It not only legalizes racial discrimination against Asians, but also would unfairly reduce the accomplishments of African Americans and Hispanic Americans to a result of racial favoritism. You can stop it for us.


As a woman, I want equality, not favoritism. Being our assemblywoman and a lawyer, you are a highly accomplished professional woman. I'm sure you consider favoritism an insult to your ability. We women are not less. We don't need a thumb on the scale. We don't need such an insult. You can stop it for us.


Just when we desperately need to work with people regardless of political orientation and look beyond racial differences in such a difficult time, ACA5's proponents want to divide us. This district is known for working across the aisle, known for being sensible and pragmatic. We count on you to show us we value this tradition. We count on you to cast your important No vote in the Appropriations Committee as well as the Assembly floor if we come to that point. You can stop ACA5 for us.

在现在的艰难时期,我们迫切需要与所有人合作,无论政治取向、种族。 ACA5的支持者做的却是分裂。16区因党派之间的合作而闻名,以明智和务实着称,我们希望您的行动表明您重视这一传统,希望您在拨款委员会和后面的参议院全体投票中投出反对票。您可以为我们阻止ACA5。

Let me end my speech by describing to you what had happened six years ago when we met with then Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan. About a dozen of us filed into her district office -- which we can't do today. Just as we settled down around her conference table, Joan started by assuring us that she opposed SCA5. Well, we had big speeches prepared but now we tossed them out. The rest of the hour-long meeting was she discussing with us what would be the best ways to address the root cause of underachievement of some groups. I hope that our meeting could have focused on more substantive topics like that.

最后,我来描述一下六年前(2014年3月14日 1:30PM)我们与当时的加州众议员琼(Joan)布坎南会面的情形 。我们一行十几个人走进了她的地区办公室——今天因为病毒爆发我们不能这样做——刚围着会议桌坐下,琼就开诚布公地表明她反对SCA5。我们本已准备了长篇大论的演讲,话到嘴边却说不下去了!长达一个小时的会议则主要讨论如何解决教育质量参差不齐的根源问题。 我们今天的会议本可以集中在诸如此类的实质性话题上。

Our district has traditionally rejected race-based policies, from Joan Buchanan not supporting SCA5, to Catharine Baker speaking out against SCA5 and voting against AB1726. This is a principal embraced by legislators of both parties. Let's keep practicing this principle. We urge you to vote No on ACA5, AND play an active role in stopping this bill.

从前加州众议院议员琼·布坎南(Joan Buchanan,民主党)不支持SCA5,到凯瑟琳·贝克(Catharine Baker,共和党)多次重申反对SCA5、投票反对AB1726,16选区历来拒绝任何基于种族的政策,这是两党立法者都拥护的原则。 我们应该继续实践这一原则。我们敦促您对ACA5投反对票,积极努力,阻止ACA5。