A Thank You letter to all donors!

Dear All,

First of all, we want to thank you for your great support to Catharine Baker for Assembly 2014 and SVCA!

And also, we want to share some GOOD NEWS with you:

1)Up to 2014/09/19, we have scored $7672.66 on the record, and are heading the $10,000 milestone. Please check here about your donation and let us know if any is mismatch!)

SVCA official endorsement for November 2014 General Election (Final)

硅谷华人协会(SVCA)首批推荐的加州2014年11月大选候选人名单 (注:还有部份候选人在讨论中,本名单会不断更新)

CA State Assembly (加州众议院)

Catharine Baker (R,AD16): www.bakerforassembly.com
(Alamo/Danville/Lafayette/Moraga/Orinda/San Ramon/Walnut Creek/Dublin/Livermore/Pleasanton)
***AD16 is the most promising District in North CA! Baker has been endorsed by Education leaders, small business owners, & local media.***

鸣谢SVCA 2014华体会赞助商和个人

SVCA 在参加2014华体会的过程中得到了许多商家和个人的支持和赞助,对此我们再一次表示衷心的感谢!


Wade http://www.diigo.com (Diigo是一款多次获奖的个人知识管理平台, 用于提升阅读、组织、消化信息的效率)
精算子 http://www.gingerloan.com
Kristen Pan Lyn Campaign(潘欣欣CUSD竞选组)
Li Wu Insurance Agency.




撰稿人: Charlie Wang

北加州的许多华人都知道"北加州华人文化体育协会运动会 (http://www.NCCAF.org)", 其中不少人梦想着自己或孩子有一天亲自上赛场夺金掠银, 这一天终于到来了. SVCA(硅谷华人协会)让他们的梦想成真! SVCA在伟平和楠林的组织下, 在Alex,阿布,全哥,许哥 等骨干义工的协助下, 只用了一个多月就迅速成立了田径队,游泳队, 足球队, 网球队及武术队, 参加了2014年8月9-10举行的第12届北加州文化体育协会运动会(以下简称"华体会").

Transcript of Mr. Ro Khanna's WeChat Q & A Meeting with SVCA Members on August 7, 2014

Mr. Ro Khanna, a candidate for the United States House of Representatives in California's 17th congressional district, contacted Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA) to have some direct dialogue with SVCA members. Mr. Khanna and SVCA agreed to conduct a Questions & Answers session in an online chat room, and that Q&A occurred on August 7, 2014.

The 2nd joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News host Bob Beckel

July 29th, 2014
San Jose, Calif. - Ten Asian-American organizations today jointly issued the following statement in reaction to the racial rant and slanderous remarks made by Fox News host Bob Beckel toward Chinese people. These organizations are 80-20 Educational Foundation, Asian Americans for Political Advancement, Asian American Voters, Boston Forward Foundation, Chinese Americans For Progress And Equality, Chinese United League, Dallas/Ft. Worth Chinese Alliance, Michigan Chinese American Alliance, Silicon Valley Chinese Association, and the Orange Club.

SVCA Sample letter to sponsors of Fox News

SVCA Sample letter to sponsors of Fox News, based on a template provided by APAPA. We called on BB's spy and terrorist accusation.
--Credit to Jason Xu/Crystal and many other SVCA members

Dear __________________:
On Thursday, July 10, 2014 Fox News host Bob Beckel set off another firestorm by using a racial slur and accusing Chinese people of spying and terrorist activities. His remarks were made on "The Five," a television program sponsored by your company.
